Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ready, set, launch

I have begun blogging.
It was something I thought about doing for a long time and I felt safe to put it off pretty much forever as a massive waste of time until one of my favorite scriptwriter/bloggers wrote recently that a lot of people he knew who were scriptwriting/blogging had stopped.
I think that is sad.
Maybe it is good if they sucked but it is also sad.
Specifically, it is sad theey stopped writing scripts because there obviously is a major need for better scripts out there.

Also, and mainly, I'm hoping this will inspire me to work on my stories.
I have written professionally for a long time but I recently started writing screenplays. I went to the LA expo, did the pitches and bought the t-shirt.
I actually met some cool people and enjoyed the experience but it alternately intimidated and inspired me--especially the session with the writers of Saw and The Grudge, who were short but hysterical.

So here I am in Northern Virginia trying to break into an industry headquartered on the other side of the country. And that gives us a nice underdog cliche.

Well, that's all for now.