Friday, August 3, 2007

And exhale

It's been a while since I posted. Ok, huge understatement but I actually sort a forgot about this thing. That's sad... and worrying because a memory is good to have.
I remembered this because I was posting at another site and my blogging name came up as an option. So I'm back and maybe it's just coincidence but this week I also got my Nicholls letter. First one and it's a nice bookend to my growing collection of first round rejections. Also rejecting: Scriptapalooza and Blue Cat.
Maybe I should focus on my TV scripts.
Other than that, kind of interested in seeing "the 10." I have no idea what it's about but the trailer was funny and I liked the fuck you humor of "Wet, Hot, American Summer."
I also came to the realization that it will always be easier to make a big budget blow em up than a truly funny movie. I have seen so many unfunny comedies that I understand why Apatow walks on water right now. He makes consistently funny stuff happen. And it's not just funny to him and Rogen, it's stuff 20 million other people think is funny too.
Which is why I'm gonna write a comedy next. I like impossible tasks because failure is expected so any measure of success is a bonus.
Or something. See you in 9 months.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ready, set, launch

I have begun blogging.
It was something I thought about doing for a long time and I felt safe to put it off pretty much forever as a massive waste of time until one of my favorite scriptwriter/bloggers wrote recently that a lot of people he knew who were scriptwriting/blogging had stopped.
I think that is sad.
Maybe it is good if they sucked but it is also sad.
Specifically, it is sad theey stopped writing scripts because there obviously is a major need for better scripts out there.

Also, and mainly, I'm hoping this will inspire me to work on my stories.
I have written professionally for a long time but I recently started writing screenplays. I went to the LA expo, did the pitches and bought the t-shirt.
I actually met some cool people and enjoyed the experience but it alternately intimidated and inspired me--especially the session with the writers of Saw and The Grudge, who were short but hysterical.

So here I am in Northern Virginia trying to break into an industry headquartered on the other side of the country. And that gives us a nice underdog cliche.

Well, that's all for now.